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Henan electric power furnace ceramic fiber spray paint, ceramic fiber module installation and construction
 Rosewool Insulation Refractory Co.,Ltd. and Henan Electric Power Construction and Installation Company have cooperated since 2013, and so far we have more than 8 projects.
ceramic fiber module,ceramic fiber blanket,ceramic fiber blanket insulation
The Main cooperation project hot are stove insulation, dryer insulation, chemical reactor insulation and pipe insulation, flue soft connection, soft material connections. In mining industries, using the insulation form of ceramic fiber module + ceramic fiber blanket composite insulation structure of lightweight insulation lining, ceramic fiber cloth + ceramic fiber
blanket insulation junction
ceramic fiber module,ceramic fiber blanket,ceramic fiber blanket insulation
Structure of the reactor insulation sets, silicone cloth + aerogels composite insulation blanket, insulation structure of the pipeline insulation sets.
ceramic fiber module,ceramic fiber blanket,ceramic fiber blanket insulation

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