Ceramic Fiber Modules are made from the corresponding ceramic fiber material acupuncture blanket which processed in dedicated machines according to fiber component structure and size. Ceramic fiber folded module is directly fixed in industrial furnaces shell plate by various anchorage.
The furnace plate rust to the module bolts welded to the furnace wall board to remove the module to the module guide rod screwed to the screw on the small head of the module along the center hole through the guide bar against the furnace board with a special wrench to tighten the nut on the screw Unscrew the guide rods in turn to install the other modules Extraction module Center plastic tubing Unpacking the module Straightening tape Compression mounting compensation blanket Installing the next row of folding modules.
1. Ceramic fiber module installation requirements:
(1) anchor nail welding position should be accurate and strictly control the error;
(2) the first installation of the backing layer, and construction of fiber modules;
(3) first install the furnace top module and then install the furnace wall;
(4) the installation of the furnace wall module should be installed from the bottom up;
(5) the arrangement of the module more with the same "Bingbing" arrangement, after the installation of a row of modules should be required after the compression lining compensation blanket;
(6) the top of the wall and the wall with the wall link should be compressed lining compensation blanket;
2. Surface repairement:
(1) Folding module installation should be carefully checked, gap more than 5mm gap should be filled by the compensation blanket;
(2) After the fiber blanket is tamped, the surface of the folding module is flattened with the square board.